Since Barbara Flaherty became a Judge, and I became the Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize in 2013, we have made social justice the heart and soul of peace, and of the World Peace Prize.

Why does a World Religion peace group make social justice so central?

  •      Because, as the American Protestant Old Testament Scholar Rev. Walter Brueggemann has stated: “In Biblical faith, the doing of justice is the primary expectation of God.”
  •      Because Islamic scholar Ajmal Masroor states: “Standing firm for justice is considered closest to Godliness. In other words, my religious and social responsibility is to work for just causes.”
  •     Because Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us that peace is the fruit of justice; and Saint Pope John Paul II taught us, “peace is the fruit of solidarity.”
  •     Because the Catholic Church teaches: “… Action on behalf of justice [is] a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel…and [a constitutive dimension] of the Church’s mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation.”
  •     Because this is how Jesus Christ, Himself, announced His mission: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has appointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, to give the blind new sight, and to set free all who are oppressed,” (Luke 4:18-19).
  •     And because Jesus declared: “In so far as you did it to least of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40).

That is why we were able to place American Organized Labor in the category of those who should be considered worthy recipients of the World Peace Prize—because Labor leaders who spend their lives fighting for social and economic justice for working women and men are also building peace locally, nationally, and globally.

And, the wonderful thing about placing social justice at the heart and center of peace is this: People of faith believe that faith must be the faith that does justice on this earth (otherwise, it is not faith). And people of no faith, but of goodwill, also believe they have to do justice on this earth, otherwise, they are not of goodwill…

Faith is the faith that does justice

Without social justice, there is no love

Faith is the faith that does justice. There is no other faith. If it does not do justice, it is not faith—not the Jewish faith, not the Christian faith, not the Muslim faith, not any faith.

President Trumka’s key support and advise

When we approached President Trumka with our proposal to link the World Peace Prize with American Organized Labor, he absolutely loved the idea and endorsed it enthusiastically and with gratitude. 

President Trumka, however, advised us that the opponents of Labor and fair employment would deeply resent our linking the World Peace Prize to American Organized Labor, and he told us to expect some blowback. He advised that such blowback would probably not first come from known enemies of Labor, but from some individuals within Labor, as always happens in these matters—internal opposition is always more effective than external opposition. Everyone and every group involved in the struggle for justice knows that old story very well and knows how that game is played.

President Trumka’s warm embrace and dedicated sponsorship of the World Peace Prize throughout the AFL-CIO and American Organized Labor is now a key part of his magnificent legacy, which all true Labor people proudly accept in solidarity and gratitude. As President Shuler said in welcoming our re-naming of the World Peace Prize for Solidarity to the ‘President Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity’: ‘Rich Trumka’s contributions to peace and prosperity around the world were countless. He was a global ambassador for worker rights, economic justice, dignity, and respect for all human beings. I can think of no one more deserving of this honor.’

And, the Trumka Family has stated: ‘We are honored that Rich’s name will live on, always linked with solidarity and peace because the World Peace Prize for Solidarity will be re-named in his honor the Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity.’

I will always be profoundly grateful to President Trumka for helping us to launch the World Peace Prize throughout the Labor Movement. And, to further honor his memory, we now refer to American Organized Labor as “Organized Love of Neighbor.” 

President Kelly recipient of all three World Peace Prizes

We were pleased to nominate National President Kelley for all three Prizes: World Peace Prize of Roving Ambassador for Peace; the Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity; and today’s Prize, World Peace Prize for Labor Leadership.

 And we did so because of his outstanding record. He is a most impressive man; a formidable Labor Leader; a thoughtful, steadfast, gracious man of justice and solidarity. He, like President Trumka, instantly understood the importance of our linking the World Peace Prize to American Organized Labor. President Kelley has expressed deep appreciation for the meaning we have invested in the World Peace Prizes. Such understanding is an essential criterion for being selected as a Laureate of the World Peace Prize.

President Kelley, it is an honor and blessing to know you. God bless you.

 We are honored to honor you with the World Peace Prize for Labor Leadership.



Barbara Flaherty, Montserrat Garibay, Fr. Sean McManus

CAPITOL HILL. Austin, Texas.— A top Texan woman  Labor leader has been awarded the World Peace Prize.

Montserrat Garibay, Secretary-Treasurer, Texas AFL-CIO, was presented  with the World Peace Prize  of “Roving Ambassador for Peace.”

The presentation ceremony took place on Monday afternoon, February 18, 2019, at the Texas AFL-CIO headquarters in Austin.

World Leader and Master Planner, Rev. Dr. Han Min Su, founded the World Peace Prize in Seoul, South Korea, in 1989. Dr. Han is a Presbyterian Minister.

The presentation was made by Fr. Sean McManus—Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize and President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus— and the ceremony was chaired by Barbara Flaherty, a Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council, and Executive Vice President of the Irish National Caucus.

The World Peace Prize Awarding Council consists of a 14-member Board of International and Interfaith judges. The  Board is comprised of representatives of the world’s nine major religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Russian Orthodox, and Zoroastrianism.

Fr. Mc Manus explained: “Working for peace, locally or globally, means, in effect and of necessity, working for social justice. Therefore, members of the Labor Movement are ideally qualified to be recipients of our World Peace Prize. Montserrat Garibay— originally from Mexico City, and once an undocumented immigrant, but now an American citizen—personifies the true Labor spirit and the true immigrant spirit. She has a driving desire to create justice and solidarity for all. She is an ideal recipient for the World Peace Prize of ‘Roving Ambassador for Peace’—for as Pope John Paul II powerfully reminds us, peace is the fruit of solidarity.”

Secretary-Treasurer Garibay in her acceptance speech expressed heartfelt appreciation for the honor of the Prize; she movingly recounted her early experience in the United States and how so many people helped her and her family to overcome difficulties. She sees her mission as Labor leader as a perfect way of “giving back”— of promoting solidarity and justice for all, with a helping hand to immigrants and all who are seeking dignity and fairness.

 [Full speech will be available next week on our website —]

Top Massachusetts Labor Leader Receives World Peace Prize

“Steven Tolman, president, AFL-CIO— a charismatic, energetic, and passionate Labor leader— eminently deserves this Prize.”

Fr. Sean McManus, President Steven Tolman, and Barbara Flaherty

CAPITOL HILL. Wednesday, January 16, 2019— A top Massachusetts Labor leader has been awarded the World Peace Prize.

Steven Tolman, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, was presented with the World Peace Prize of “Roving Ambassador for Peace.”

The presentation ceremony took place on Tuesday afternoon, January 15, 2019, in Florian Hall, Dorchester, Boston.
World Leader and Master Planner, Rev. Dr. Han Min Su, founded the World Peace Prize in Seoul, South Korea, in 1989. Dr. Han is a Presbyterian Minister.

The presentation was made by Fr. Sean McManus—Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize and President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus— and the ceremony was chaired by Barbara Flaherty, a Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council, and Executive Vice President of the Irish National Caucus.

The World Peace Prize Awarding Council consists of 14-member Board of International and Interfaith judges. The Board is comprised of representatives of the world’s nine major religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Russian Orthodox, and Zoroastrianism.

Fr. Mc Manus explained: “Working for peace, locally or globally, means, in effect and of necessity, working for social justice. Therefore, members of the Labor Movement are ideally qualified to be recipients of our World Peace Prize. Steven Tolman, President, AFL-CIO— a charismatic, energetic, and passionate Labor leader— eminently deserves this Prize. As Pope John Paul 1I has said, ‘peace is the fruit of solidarity.’ And the American Labor Movement knows a thing or two about solidarity.”

President Tolman in his acceptance speech said: “I am humbled by this award because I truly believe that every union leader and activist is worthy of the same recognition. We’re all working day in and day out for justice…
On behalf of our members,
On behalf of fairness in the workplace,
On behalf of all working people who deserve a voice and their fair share.
As Martin Luther King said: ‘As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love.’Thank you for the honor of receiving this award.” [Full speech will be available next week on our website —]

Massachusetts Labor Leader to Receive World Peace Prize


                              Steven Tolman, President, AFL-CIO

 CAPITOL HILL. Thursday, December 20, 2018— For the first time, a Massachusetts resident will be honored with the World Peace Prize.

  The World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC) has announced that Steven Tolman, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, will receive the prestigious prize of “Roving Ambassador for Peace.”

The presentation ceremony will take place on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at 2:30-4:30 PM in Florian Hall, 55 Hallet Street, Dorchester, Boston, MA 02124.

 World Leader and Master Planner, Rev. Dr. Han Min Su, founded the World Peace Prize in Seoul, South Korea, in 1989. Dr. Han is a Presbyterian Minister.

  Dr. Han said: “Our Washington office—— headed by Fr. Sean Mc Manus and Barbara Flaherty of the Irish National Caucus, nominated the Honorable Steven Tolman. Our 14-member Board of International and Interfaith judges unanimously selected Mr. Tolman. Our Board is comprised of representatives of the world’s nine major religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Russian Orthodox, and Zoroastrianism. We congratulate Mr. Tolman, while also knowing that his acceptance honors our noble idea and mission of world peace.”

  Fr. Sean Mc Manus — President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus and Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC)— said: “I have the honor of being the Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (headquartered in Seoul, South Korea).

We were pleased to be able to propose Steven Tolman because of the intrinsic link between justice and peace. As Saint Pope John Paul II has declared, peace is, indeed, the fruit of solidarity.’ Labor Leaders who spend their entire lives working in solidarity for justice for working men and women are, indeed, working for peace—not only nationally but also globally. Hence, Labor leaders — and Steven Tolman in particular—are eminently qualified to be candidates for the World Peace Prize of Roving Ambassador for Peace. Furthermore, our Peace Prizes encourage members of the Labor Movement to positively think of themselves as not just fighters for justice but as peace builders as well. I believe this gives an important dimension to Labor’s self-understanding, self-image, and self-identity. And, I urge all members of the Labor Movement to embrace it —as I know Steven Tolman does. So, too, does the national president of the AFL-CIO, the great Richard L. Trumka.”

  Mr. Tolman said: “I am truly honored to be chosen as the Roving Ambassador for World Peace. Within the ranks of the labor movement, there are leaders of every sector who are committed to standing up against injustice of all types. Each and every day I am honored to partner with them in their fight, and I accept this award in the spirit of their work as we strive for a more just and peaceful world.” END.