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The World Peace Prizing Awarding Council feels that the mission of obtaining world peace is never truly over. While we continue to recognize those who have made tremendous strides, we also recognize that many social leaders continue to keep even larger strides. Browse our press releases to learn more about our most recent world peace prize award recipients as well as those who may be in consideration in the future. Check back soon for updated press releases.

Prophet of Seoul and Blessed Pope John XXIII

It is now generally accepted that the Encyclical by Blessed Pope John XXIII, Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) helped to change the world — making it more aware of the fundamental importance of human rights, justice, and peace.

Released in 1963, Pacem in Terris likened peace to a house built on four pillars: Truth, Justice, Freedom, and Love.

In this 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris, it is important to note that one of the leading exemplars of the Pope’s prophetic vision is not a Catholic, but a Presbyterian — and not in Switzerland and Scotland ( countries historically associated with Presbyterianism). No, this Great Exemplar of world peace lives in Seoul, South Korea.

The Rev. Dr. Han Min Su co-founded the World Peace Prize Awarding Council in 1989. And since that time he has, with steadfast love and enduring faithfulness, pursued his world peace Mission.

In 1963, Pope John XXIII fulfilled the classical Biblical role of the Prophet: as a man of God he cried out to men of power, and in particular to President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev.

Now from Seoul, another Prophet, Dr. Han, cries out to men and women of power: prepare for world peace, based on truth, justice freedom, and love.
To Christian Churches, Dr. Han calls out, reminding them that there is One Christ.
And to all religions, Dr. Han calls out that there is One God, whose children we all are.
Let us all pray that the cries of the Prophet of Seoul be heard.

Fr. Mc Manus Selected as Chief Judge

Succeeds former Congressman Lester Wolff

Seoul. South Korea. Friday, October 24, 2013 — The President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus who traveled to Seoul to be sworn- in as one of twelve Judges on the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has, instead, been sworn-in as the Chief Judge.
This followed the resignation of out-going Chief Judge, 94-four-year-old former Congressman Lester Wolff who did not travel to Seoul.
Fr. Mc Manus said: ” I have very big shoes to fill. Lester is a legend for his life-long commitment to equality, justice, and peace”.

Reverend Dr.Han Min Su — the Seoul-based Founder and Master Planner of the World Peace Prize entities — was effusive in his praise of Mr. Wolff: ” Only Fr. Mc Manus would be able to replace Lester. All of us are deeply grateful to Lester for his wonderful contributions. We wish him every blessing, and he will always be in our prayers.”

Rev. Dr. Han Min Su

Christian Evangelist and World Peace Leader

CAPITOL HILL. Sunday, October 27, 2013 — Fr. Sean Mc Manus — President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus — has returned from Seoul where he was sworn in as a Judge on the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC)
Here he speaks of his experience of meeting the Founder of WPPAC — the renowned and eminent Dr. Han Min Su:

“It was a huge honor. Dr. Han is a most impressive Christian Evangelist and peace leader. He has dedicated his life to The Gospel of Peace and has shown inspiring determination. He is an exemplar of grace under pressure, because needless to say his task is not an easy one — the path to peace never is.
Dr. Han treated me with wonderful graciousness. It will be my honor to represent him in Washington. Our Office will liaise directly with his Office in Seoul.”

Irish-Americans Salute Dr. Han Min Su

Huge response to Seoul Awards

Capitol Hill Tuesday, October 29, 2013 — Irish-Americans have reacted with delight and excitement that Fr. Sean Mc Manus and Barbara Flaherty were honored with World Peace Prizes by Dr. Han Min Su in Seoul, South Korea.

Thousands of emails have flooded into the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus congratulating Fr. Mc Manus and Barbara — and expressing great admiration for, and interest in Dr. Han Min Su.
“Please tell us more about this great man, Dr. Han Min Su,” is the most common request we receive, explained Fr. Mc Manus. ” Irish-Americans are fascinated by Dr. Han. He is making a huge impact. It is such an honor to be associated with him, and we look forward to being of service to him in his great and holy mission, and of giving him excellent representation in Washington.”

President Richard L. Trumka, AFL-CIO

To Receive World Peace Prize

Seoul/Washington. October 15, 2015. The World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC) has announced that Richard L. Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, is to receive its World Peace Prize-Top Honor on February 3, 2016.

The Seoul, South Korea-based Founder and Master Planner of the World Peace Prize, Rev. Dr. Han Min Su, said: “Our Washington office, headed by Fr. Sean Mc Manus and Barbara Flaherty of the Irish National Caucus, nominated the Honorable Mr. Trumka. Our 14-member panel of international and interfaith judges unanimously selected President Trumka. In doing so, symbolically, East meets West; and, religiously, all Faiths — of the world’s nine major religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Russian Orthodox, and Zoroastrianism—symbolically come together to honor a great leader of American Labor. We congratulate President Trumka, while also knowing that his acceptance honors our noble idea and mission of world peace.”

Fr. Mc Manus, Chief Judge (WPPAC), said: “Sometimes peace awards are maybe too often identified with the West, and with career diplomats and politicians. But surely the constant and daily peace builders are those who work for justice—and seeking justice for working men and women — not just in the USA but also throughout the world. Nobody better personifies that spirit than President Trumka, for, as Pope Paul VI reminded us, ‘peace is the fruit of justice.’ And Pope John Paul II reminded us that: ‘[Solidarity] then is not a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far. On the contrary, it is a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say, to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all.’ Again, who better personifies that spirit than President Trumka?”

Barbara Flaherty, Judge and Corporate Manager (WPPAC) said: “I congratulate President Trumka. I look forward to the Presentation Ceremony, which I have the honor to Chair at the AFL-CIO headquarters on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, at 2:30 PM.”

President Trumka said: “I am deeply honored to receive this important recognition. In my work building global labor solidarity and fighting for the dignity of work, I hope I have made and will continue to make a contribution to world peace and understanding. I’d like to thank Rev. Dr. Han Min Su and the WPPAC for this honor.”

Two Distinguished Labor Leaders to Receive World Peace Price

John Sweeney, AFL-CIO President Emeritus and Elizabeth Powell, Secretary-Treasurer, APWU

CAPITOL HILL. Tuesday, November 29, 2016—— The recipients of the 2016 World Peace Prize, “Roving Ambassadors for Peace” have been announced.
The Prize will go to two leading members of the American Labor Movement: AFL-CIO President Emeritus Mr. John Sweeney and Ms. Elizabeth Powell, Secretary-Treasurer, American Postal Workers Union (APWU). Fr. Sean Mc Manus — President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus and Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC)— said: “I have the honor of being the Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (headquartered in Seoul, South Korea), and was pleased to be able to propose both John and Elizabeth for the Award on the basis that if one works in solidarity for justice for working men and women, one is, indeed, working for peace. I was delighted that our 14-member panel of international and interfaith judges unanimously agreed. We strongly believe that the Labor Movement should be recognized as powerfully contributing to world peace—based on equality and justice. That is, also, why the 2015 World Peace Prize –Top Award was presented to AFL-CIO President Trumka. The ‘Roving Ambassador for Peace’ is the second-tier Award.”

The presentation of the “Roving Ambassador for Peace” award will take place on Tuesday,
February 14, 2017, at 2:30 -4:30 PM at the AFL-CIO Headquarters, 815 16th St., N.W., Washington
D.C. 20006.

Fr. Mc Manus explained: “The World Peace Prize was initiated in Seoul, South Korea in 1989 by the visionary Reverend Dr. Han Min Su, a Presbyterian Minister who has dedicated his life to promoting world peace by bringing together East and West and representatives of all the major world religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Russian Orthodox and Zoroastrianism.

Fr. Mc Manus concluded: “John Sweeney personifies the strong and proud record of Irish-Americans in the history of the Labor Movement’s struggle for justice. Elizabeth Powell, a strong and proud African- American, is the first woman to hold the position of Secretary-Treasurer in the APWU. She personifies the Dream of Martin Luther King Jr. as she blazes the trail for justice, equality, and peace, thereby building up the ‘Beloved Community’— the term Dr. King made famous.”


                                                             Steven Tolman, President, AFL-CIO


CAPITOL HILL.Thursday, December 20,2018—For the first time, a Massachusetts resident will be honored with the World Peace Prize.

  The World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC) has announced that Steven Tolman, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, will receive the prestigious prize of “Roving Ambassador for Peace.”

The presentation ceremony will take place on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at 2:30-4:30 PM in Florian Hall, 55 Hallet Street, Dorchester, Boston, MA 02124.

 World Leader and Master Planner, Rev. Dr. Han Min Su, founded the World Peace Prizein Seoul, South Korea, in 1989. Dr. Han is a Presbyterian Minister.

  Dr. Han said: “Our Washington office—— headed by Fr. Sean Mc Manus and Barbara Flaherty of the Irish National Caucus, nominated the Honorable Steven Tolman. Our 14-member Board of International and Interfaith judges unanimously selected Mr. Tolman. Our Board is comprised of representatives of the world’s nine major religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Russian Orthodox, and Zoroastrianism. We congratulate Mr. Tolman, while also knowing that his acceptance honors our noble idea and mission of world peace.”

  Fr. Sean Mc Manus — President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus and Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC)— said: “I have the honor of being the Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council (headquartered in Seoul, South Korea).

We were pleased to be able to propose Steven Tolman because of the intrinsic link between justice and peace. As Saint Pope John Paul II has declared, peace is, indeed, the fruit of solidarity.’ Labor Leaders who spend their entire lives working in solidarity for justice for working men and women are, indeed, working for peace—not only nationally but also globally. Hence, Labor leaders — and Steven Tolman in particular—are eminently qualified to be candidates for the World Peace Prize of Roving Ambassador for Peace. Furthermore, our Peace Prizes encourage members of the Labor Movement to positively think of themselves as not just fighters for justice but as peace builders as well. I believe this gives an important dimension to Labor’s self-understanding, self-image, and self-identity. And, I urge all members of the Labor Movement to embrace it —as I know Steven Tolman does. So, too, does the national president of the AFL-CIO, the great Richard L. Trumka.”

  Mr. Tolman said: “I am truly honored to be chosen as the Roving Ambassador for World Peace. Within the ranks of the labor movement, there are leaders of every sector who are committed to standing up against injustice of all types. Each and every day I am honored to partner with them in their fight, and I accept this award in the spirit of their work as we strive for a more just and peaceful world.” END.






Telephone: 202-544-0568

Friday, November 17, 2023

The World Peace Prize has announced that another recipient of the “Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity” will be Denise Berkley, Executive Vice President, CSEA (Civil Service Employees Association) and an International Vice President of AFCME.

The Presentation Ceremony will take place during the first week (working week) of March 2024, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM at CSEA Metropolitan Region 2 Office 125 Maiden Lane, 5th. Floor, New York, NY 10038

The actual date will be announced later.

Ms.Berkley’s office will issue the invitations to this free event—not a fundraiser. The World Peace Prize does not issue invitations. 

The announcement was made by Fr. Sean, McManus, Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize and President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus/Irish Peace Foundation.

Fr. McManus said:

“I have the honor of being the Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize, which is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. It was founded in 1989 by the late Presbyterian Minister Rev. Dr. Han Min Su.

The World Peace Prize Awarding Council is composed of representatives of the nine Major World Religions, and it selects worthy potential Laureates of the World Peace Prizes of ‘Roving Ambassador for Peace’; ‘World Peace Prize for Labor Leadership’; and ‘World Peace Prize for Solidarity,’ re-named after President Trumka’s death (August 5, 2021) the ‘Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity.”—

“The late, great President Trumka, God rest him, on February 3, 2016, at his AFL-CIO Headquarters, helped us to launch the World Peace Prize throughout American Organized Labor. To do so, he graciously agreed to receive all three World Peace Prizes. He died before he could receive the World Peace Prize for Solidarity, so we posthumously presented it to his family, and then in his honor re-named it the ‘Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity.’

President Trumka deeply appreciated and enthusiastically supported our linking Organized Labor to the World Peace Prize and that is now an important part of his legacy. View his own 3-minute statement.”—


The re-naming of the Prize has been warmly welcomed by the Trumka Family: “We are honored that Rich’s name will live on, always linked with solidarity and peace because the World Peace Prize for Solidarity will be re-named in his honor the ‘Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity.'” (October 9, 2021).

President Liz Shuler, AFL-CIO, said: “Rich Trumka’s contributions to peace and prosperity around the world were countless. He was a global ambassador for worker rights, economic justice, dignity, and respect for all human beings. I can think of no one more deserving of this honor.” (November 8, 2021).

And, his son, Rich Jr., has stated: “[My father] appreciated that the World Peace Prize saw what so many others missed…that organized labor through solidarity, and the pursuit of justice, forges the path to peace.” (January 5, 2023).

Fr. McManus explained: “In President Trumka’s memory, I now refer to American Organized Labor as “Organized Love of Neighbor” because “Love of Neighbor” means, in effect and consequence, the doing of social justice on this earth.

President Trumka also strongly supported our policy of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our selection of World Peace Prize Laureates.”

Denise Berkley, Executive Vice President, CSEA, and an International Vice President of AFCME.

Fr. McManus continued: “I was pleased and honored to propose

Denise Berkley, Executive Vice President, CSEA, for this very

special World Peace Prize because, like the late, beloved President Trumka, she has demonstrated life-long dedication to the Union, solidarity, social and economic justice, and peace.

Ms.Berkley is a distinguished, impressive, and effective Labor leader—a trailblazer and a legend in New York State and throughout American Organized Labor. And an ideal Laureate of the Richard L.Trumka World Peace Prize for Solidarity. The CSEA website states this about Ms. Berkley: ‘A longtime union activist, she remains just as committed today to the ongoing struggle for social, racial and economic justice for workers and communities, as when her activism began as a leader in the local struggle against apartheid in South Africa in her youth.'”(See her acceptance-quote below).

Since I became the Chief Judge, we have made social justice the heart and soul of peace, and of the World Peace Prize.

Why does a World Religion peace group make social justice so central?

  • Because, as the American Protestant Old Testament Scholar, Rev.Walter Brueggemann has stated: ‘In Biblical faith, the doing of justice is the primary expectation of God.’
  • Because Islamic scholar Ajmal Masroor states: ‘Standing firm for justice is considered closest to Godliness. In other words, my religious and social responsibility is to work for just causes.’
  • Because Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us that peace is the fruit of justice; and Saint Pope John Paul II taught us, ‘peace is the fruit of solidarity.’
  • Because the Catholic Church teaches: ‘… Action on behalf of justice [is] a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel…and [a constitutive dimension] of the Church’s mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation.’
  • Because this is how Jesus Christ, Himself, announced His mission: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has appointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, to give the blind new sight, and to set free all who are oppressed,” (Luke 4:18-19).
  • And because Jesus declared: “In so far as you did it to least of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40).

That is why we were able to place American Organized Labor in the category of those who should be considered worthy recipients of the World Peace Prize—because Labor leaders who spend their lives fighting for social and economic justice for working women and men are also building peace locally, nationally, and worldwide.

And, the wonderful thing about placing social justice at the heart and center of peace is this: People of faith believe that faith must be the faith that does justice on this earth (otherwise, it is not faith). And people of no faith, but of goodwill, also know they have to do justice (otherwise, they are not of goodwill),” Fr. McManus concluded.

Vice President Berkley’s Acceptance Quote:

“I am honored and humbled to receive this precious Prize— a Prize not only for World Peace, which is so poignant in regards to our world today, but one re- named in honor of the beloved President Trumka, and a Prize dedicated to solidarity. I accept it not only as a personal honor but also as a corporate honor on behalf of our great union, CSEA.

I always admired President Trumka’s leadership, because he was a servant leader, working for others and not for themselves. 

I am also pleased to accept this Prize because it means so much to President Trumka’s family. President Trumka’s leadership in helping to launch the World Peace Prize throughout American Organized Labor is now an important part of his splendid legacy. And I will do all I can to honor that legacy.” END OF QUOTE.


Fr. Sean Mc Manus.

Chief Judge, World Peace Prize

President, Irish Peace Foundation

P.O. BOX 15128,

Capitol Hill,

Washington, DC 20003-0849.

Tel. 202-544-0568. Fax.202-488-7537.;