World Peace Prize
Founded in 1989
Seoul, South Korea
Irish National Caucus, Inc.
Founded February 6, 1974

“Peace is the Fruit of Solidarity”

— Pope John Paul. Encyclical: Sollicitudo rei socialis (“Solicitude for social concerns”) 1988.

The Word Peace Prize is the brainchild of the visionary peace leader Rev. Dr. Han Min Su, who co-founded the Prize in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1989. The World Peace Prize Awarding Council (WPPAC) was established to select the recipients of the World Peace Prize.

The Council consists of fourteen Judges, with Dr. Han, as a world leader, being the Executive Judge and Fr. Sean Mc Manus being the Chief Judge. Barbara J. Flaherty, as well as serving as a Judge, is Corporate Manager, WPPAC being incorporated in Washington, DC.

Fr. Mc Manus explains: “Dr. Han is The Leader and Master Planner. He more than anyone else has kept the dream alive. Without his vision WPPAC would not have existed, nor would it have survived without his dedication. Dr. Han is an inspired and gracious leader, full of compassion and Christian love. He is profoundly committed to the Gospel of Peace, to Dr. Han’s Worldwide Mission. We are honored to help him in any way we can.”

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Barbara Flaherty, Fr. Sean McManus conferring on President Richard Trumka the World Peace Prize of "Roving Ambassador for Peace," February 3, 2016.

An image of the April 2019 recipient Honoree

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“I want to thank the World Peace Prize for recognizing the nexus between Organized Labor and peace…
or recognizing the connection between fighting for social justice and peace.”

— President Richard L. Trumka, AFL-CIO, June 19, 2018