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American Labor and Irish National Caucus Working Together for Justice in Ireland
I know that Father McManus has moved the needle from justice and human rights, and, Father, for that I offer you, on behalf of the entire AFL-CIO, a sincere, Thank you." - President Richard L. Trumka AFL-CIO, February 3, 2016.
Fr. McManus speaking at AFL-CIO Headquarters

Fr. McManus and AFL-CIO President Trumka
Fr. Sean McManus—President of the Capital Hill-based Irish National Caucus—has had a very long on-going association with American Labor. He founded the Irish National Caucus on February 6, 1974. In February 1975, the Executive council of the AFL-CIO invited him to Bal Harbour, FL, to brief them on the Irish Issue. The Executive Council endorsed the Irish National Caucus. Then about ten years later, the Executive Council invited Fr. McManus to brief them on the Mac Bridge Principles—a corporate code of conduct for American companies doing business in Northern Ireland. The AFL-CIO became the first significant group to endorse the Mac Bride Principles.

Fr. McManus and Liz Shuler, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO

Tefere Gebre, Executive CP, AFL-CIO and Fr. McManus

Mark Dimonstein President, APWU, Liz Powell, Secretary-Treasurer APWU and Fr. McManus

Fr. McManus and John Sweeney, former President of AFL-CIO

Teddy Gleason, President, ILA, Fr. McManus and George Meany, President, AFL-CIO, Bal Harbor, Fl, 1974

Fr. McManus and Moe Biller, President APWU (1980-2001). 1999

L-R: Patrick J. Campbell, president, United Brotherhood OF Carpenters, Teddy Gleason, President, International Longshoremen Association (1963 to 1987) who was grand marshal of the St. Patrick’s day parade in New York in 1984; Tom Donahue, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO (1979-1995)and president in 1995
President Trumka, Tefera Gebre, Liz Powell and John Sweeney have each been awarded with the World Peace Prize of "Roving Ambassador for Peace" by Fr. McManus—who is also Chief Judge of the international and interfaith World Peace Prize (headquartered in Seoul, South Korea). President Trumka will also receive the new World Peace Prize for LABOR LEADERSHIP on June 19, 2018
World Peace Prize Awarding Council. P.O. Box 15128. Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20003-0849. Tel: 202-544-0568. Fax: 202-488-7535. Sean.WorldPeace@IrishNationalCaucus.org. World Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea. Tel: 011-822-3285-0509. Fax: 82 2- 3285-0508. Email: jcd1110@empal.com. wwpac.net.